illustration by eva hjeltel at

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Invitation...

Weigh Less and Live More this Holiday Season!

Food, festivity and stress are three major 'gifts' during the holiday season. Research shows that the average American gains around 7 to 10 pounds between the time of Thanksgiving and New Years, setting themselves up for a weight loss New Years resolution. Discover how to survive this holiday season without weight gain and unbearable stress. I will share tips, tricks and recipes to help you get through your to-do list and enjoy the festivities without guilt or overindulgence so you find yourself entering 2012 still being able to zip your pants.

Monday, November 28th at 7:30pm
At Juju Salon (Next to Essene Market)
728 South 4th Street, Philadelphia

Please call 215-238-6080 to reserve your spot - it's free but space is limited and filling up!

See you there!